Nova priča o Sherlocku Holmesu

80-godišnji povjesničar Walter Elliot je otkrio zaboravljenu priču o Sherlocku Holmesu nakon što je bila na njegovom tavanu posljednjih 50 godina u Selkirku, Škotskoj.

An 80-year-old historian named Walter Elliot unearthed a forgotten Sherlock Holmes after it had been sitting in his attic Selkirk, Scotland, for nearly 50 years.

Ceri Oakes / SWNS

“Ljudi često prodaju knjige ili ih bacaju nakon što su previše oštećene za čitanje. No ova knjiga je u mojoj obitelji već 111 godina,” Elliot je otkrio za The Telegraph. “Nemam pojma je li priča ikada objavljena… Nemam pojma koliko su primjeraka prodali ni koliko su zaradili.”

Ceri Oakes / SWNS

Priča se zove “Sherlock Holmes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by deduction, the Brig Bazaar,” i radi se o Watsonu koji odlazi na putovanje u Selkirk.

“Oduvijek me zanimala povijest i moja obitelj mi je ovu priču pričala godinama,” objašnjava Elliot. “Ja sam je posjedovao 40 do 50 godina. Predpostavljam da sam je dobio od prijatelja jer ju sigurno nisam kupio.”

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Via AP Photo

Priča je u pamfletu naziva “The Book o’ the Brig,” i napisao ju je 1904. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle u svrhu potpore obnavljana drvenog mosta koji je bio uništen u tamošnjim poplavama.

“Nemam pojma koliko su skupili novca…htjeli su da bude most koji će podnijeti kočije, no nisu uspjeli skupiti za to,” Elliot je rekao.

Umjesto toga, dodao je, sagradili su željezni most “koji je dan-danas još uvijek tamo.”

Knjiga ima kratku radnju i puna je dijaloga Sherlocka i Watsona:

‘And when shall I see you again, Watson? The inquiry into the “Mysteries of the Secret Cabinet” will be continued in Edinburgh on Saturday. Do you mind a run down to Scotland? You would get some capital data which you might turn to good account later.’

“I am very sorry,” replied Dr Watson, “I should have liked to have gone with you, but a prior engagement prevents me. I will, however, have the pleasure of being in kindly Scottish company that day. I, also, am going to Scotland.”

“Ah! Then you are going to the Border country at that time?”

“How do you know that?”

“My dear Watson, it’s all a matter of deduction.”

“Will you explain?”

“Well, when a man becomes absorbed in a certain theme, the murder will out some day. In many discussions you and I have on the fiscal question from time to time I have not failed to notice that you have taken up an attitude antagonistic to a certain school of thought, and on several occasions you have commented on the passing of ‘so-called’ reforms, as you describe them, which you say were not the result of a spontaneous movement from or by the people, but solely due to the pressure of the Manchester School of politicians appealing to the mob.

One of these allusions you made a peculiar reference to ‘Huz an’ Mainchester’ who had ‘turned the world upside down.’ The word ‘Huz’ stuck to me, but after consulting many authors without learning anything as to the source of the word, I one day in reading a provincial paper noticed the same expression, which the writer said was descriptive of the way Hawick people looked at the progress of Reform.

‘Huz an’ Mainchester’ led the way. So, thought I, Watson has a knowledge of Hawick. I was still further confirmed in this idea by hearing you in several absent moments crooning a weird song of the Norwegian God Thor.

Again I made enquires, and writing to a friend in the South country I procured a copy of ‘Teribus.’ So, I reasoned, so – there’s something in the air! What attraction has Hawick for Watson?”

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